Give Water to 150 Impoverished Families
Become an advocate to benefit one community in need
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Meet Ana, Jesus, Jennifer, Adrian and Edgar Alberto
This family of five lives in Fuentes del Valle, a newly formed community in Tijuana, Mexico. This impoverished settlement of 150 families is populated by migrants, most from central Mexico, searching for better opportunities to support themselves and their families.
Here is the problem:
This dry and dusty community does not have water. They must buy water from a delivery truck - it's expensive and in short supply.
Without water they cannot bathe their children.
Without water they cannot wash their clothes or their dishes.
Without water they cannot grow a garden.
Without water they cannot stay clean, which makes them more susceptible to disease.
Without water this community cannot thrive.
Here is the solution:
International Relief Teams is working to bring water to this community. IRT will install a tap at all 150 homes. For just $5,612, we can build the infrastructure to ensure every family has running water at their houses.
Here is what YOU can do:
We are asking our key supporters to rally their friends, family, and networks to support this project. By becoming a fundraiser for International Relief Teams, you will help these impoverished families obtain running water, and you'll help your friends feel good about doing good.
Starting a fundraiser is easy. We'll give you all the tools you'll need. With your help we can ensure that this community will have running water.
4 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!
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